What Is a Name Worth? The Story of Gangwhoo Hospital's Management
In the realm of healthcare, a hospital's reputation is often considered invaluable. It's a reflection of their commitment to patient care, ethical practices, and overall integrity. However, what happens when a hospital's actions fail to align with the values they purportedly uphold? This is the question at the heart of the troubling tale involving GangWhoo Hospital's management.
Imagine entrusting your well-being to a medical facility, only to be left disillusioned and disheartened by the outcome. This was the unfortunate reality for one patient who sought a procedure at GangWhoo, only to find themselves in a web of disappointment and frustration.
The patient, eager to undergo a procedure to achieve a desired result, placed their trust in GangWhoo's expertise and reputation. However, upon completion of the procedure, it became glaringly apparent that the outcome fell far short of expectations. Disheartened and seeking answers, the patient turned to the Head Translator for clarity.
To their dismay, the Head Translator revealed that the desired result simply couldn't be achieved through the procedure performed. Instead, their suggestion was for the patient to pursue alternative methods, such as exercise—a stark departure from the promised outcome.
But the disappointment didn't end there. Upon discovering that they had been grossly overcharged—an extra $900 for the procedure—the patient rightfully felt deceived and misled. In an effort to find resolution, they proposed a compromise: to put aside the provided quote that they had in their possession from the other patient (which showed a price difference of $900 for exactly the same procedure) and provide a refund of only $245, which would have equated to the cheapest advertised price for the procedure, This gesture, offered as a sign of good faith, was a reasonable attempt to rectify the situation.
However, what followed was nothing short of a refusal to acknowledge fault or show empathy. Despite admitting to errors in the consultation process, GangWhoo's management flatly rejected the patient's request for a refund, refusing to return a single cent.
This egregious display of disregard for patient satisfaction and ethical conduct raises profound questions about the true worth of a hospital's name. Is it merely a facade, a hollow symbol of trust and reliability? Or does it carry with it a genuine commitment to accountability and transparency?
In the case of GangWhoo Hospital's management, their actions speak volumes. By prioritizing profit over patient well-being, and dismissing valid concerns with callous indifference, they have tarnished not only their reputation but also the fundamental principles of healthcare ethics.
As consumers of healthcare services, it is imperative that we demand more from the institutions entrusted with our care. We must hold them accountable for their actions, advocate for transparency, and ensure that patient satisfaction remains paramount.
Ultimately, the worth of a hospital's name lies not in its prestige or acclaim, but in the integrity and compassion demonstrated by its management and staff. And in the case of GangWhoo Hospital, it is clear that these values have been sorely overlooked.
7 Comment(s)
It's unbelievable that you show them proof of being overcharged and they offer you nothing. Glad I came across this, I'm only just starting to look at getting some work done and have been told to be wary about overseas. I was looking at gangwhoo. Do you know of other places that are genuine? I've found a few in Thailand but again I don't know which ones to trust.
Hi Andrew, I wasn't happy either. In fact the first thing they said when they came to discuss my proposal was they weren't going to give me any money back - yes seriously. That really annoyed me so then I started asking for more including refunds, extra procedures etc but to be honest I didn't care about anything else from them at that stage. My requests were more of a fact finding mission to see how serious they were to clearing their name to me. Having said that, they actually did offer me something - free teeth whitening and 25% off any procedure. That offer was obviously rejected. Firstly their teeth whitening is only about $10 (and the whole time I was at that hospital I never saw anyone in that dental chair), and 25% off was a slap in the face considering that most procedures are already discounted 40 - 50% (which suggests the full advertised price is grossly overinflated in the first instance). For this meeting that I had with management, I did ask for another Australian to be present, but they wouldn't allow it and instead allowed me to record the meeting. This is how I got the evidence in regards to the paperwork (which is mostly in Vietnamese) which they said contains clauses that limits any claim to a maximum of 20% of your costs - which when you think about it, it's not much of a warranty considering we're talking about your very own body. Please check my email in regards to other cosmetic hospitals.
Was seriously thinking of having some facial tightening. Now feeling out off. Is it the pricing you have to watch or the surgeons work as well
Hello JM, The surgeon that did my face lift and neck lift was good, although I wish he lifted my neck a fraction more. I had a ganglion removed but that surgeon didn't tie it off, so it went from a very small pea size before, to now which is much larger - (about a third of a golf ball size), so that wasn't good and I need to have that looked at here. My wife didn't have that much luck, she has very visible scars and no result to show for it. Some of the procedures are questionable though (such as the ultrasound lipo). Before going, I'd strongly suggest finding out everything they think you would need, such as medication, compression garments etc so you don't have any unexpected surprises. You could actually prepare them yourself beforehand such as the garment, it will save you a packet. Be prepared for heavy sales tactics anyway, even the nurses are involved with that (other then that, I thought they were great). They will also probably try to upsell you during the consult. Also the price is very negotiable, just be aware of that. If you go, the Lumiere hotel is very close and a good cheap stay, quite a few patients stay there and you will discover a huge price difference if you chat with them. I wanted to add one other comment to one of their tactics (they did it twice with me). During the consult, everything is written in Vietnamese, but they will tell you what you are getting and the price etc. For me just before I went for my procedure, the surgeon suggested I would get a better result if I also had something else done at the same time. I told him that I was getting that done as well but they said it wasn't on my paperwork and would need to pay an extra $1600AUD. I demanded to speak to the head interpreter who explained my procedure to me in the consult. He said if I wanted that done, I would need to pay more. I confronted him as to what he told me in the consult (which was area 4 - cutting on inside of ear), and he said but that didn't include removing any excess skin, which is a bit of a joke really because why cut it and then re-stitch it straight back up again?? If you want something clearer in regards to your question or other help/advice, send me an email at admin@gangwhooscam.com and I'll reply. All the best
Can anyone here suggest a better place in Vietnam to have a jawline lift please
I have sent an email to admin . Any suggestions for other companies in Vietnam..
Thank you
Hi Mi, Please check your email for my reply. All the best
Pls im planning to go there to do à rhinoplasty and double chin liposuccion! And doing my research i found your page! Thank you for what you are doing! Pls can you advice me good clinic to such procédures? Thank you!
Hi Rose. I don't know first-hand any good clinic to suggest for those procedures. I had the neck lift (for my double chin as well as the smas face lift), but they didn't remove any fat (although they were supposed to by the description) which probably contributed to it dropping again - I only got less than 3 months lift out of it which is very disappointing. I honestly think they just removed some skin and threaded it (they did thread it but I thought it was a part of the whole procedure, not the main part of the lift procedure. I think with the rhinoplasty I'm assuming they get good results. I saw quite a few locals there who had it done (they were still wearing their bandages in the waiting room nearly every time I visited). Even the cleaner at the Lumiere hotel that I stayed at had her nose done there also (it was still bandaged when I left so I never saw a result to comment on sorry). If any readers can leave a reply for a good clinic (from personal experience) for both double chin and rhinoplasty, I will ensure it is posted thanks. Best wishes Rose for your journey,
had jaw surgery im unhappy and all they said its that its my fault and i should lose weight
I’m looking at going in for a face and neck lift in XXX also some lipo, I’ve XX XX XXXXXX and yes the prices I was quoted did change from what I was quoted on line to what I got in person so my first disappointment. Do you have anywhere else that you can suggest I’ve already booked my flight! This has made me a little worried
Hi L, With your flights booked, I don't know anywhere else in Vietnam that I could recommend for those procedures. I'll offer you some advice. If you can source your compression garments before you go, you'll probably save a packet. At Gangwhoo, they offer a free after surgery temporary one of which they downplay and push their expensive one (neck and face you can expect to pay 120 to 300). Personally, I'd skip the bruising medication. I had it and still had bruises for about a month (face and neck). My wife didn't have the bruising medication and her bruises actually subsided before mine (different surgery though - ultrasonic lipo) so I think it's more of your own body"s healing time as opposed to any magic coming from those expensive bottles. With the lipo, I'm not sure what they told you but it's not the traditional one where they use a cannula to extract the fat. They use a machine which supposedly uses ultrasound to liquefy the fat, and they cut slices into your skin to let the "liquified fat" drain out. They use a single stitch to hold that cut together, you'll definitely get some scars with this. IMHO, this procedure is overly expensive for the lack of results it delivers. Personally, I'd pay a bit extra (or maybe even less) and go for a real liposuction elsewhere. Or coolscultpting, honestly my wife paid about 2k for only her tricepts area (they call it biceps - go figure). She wore the expensive compression garment religiously 24/7 and when they measured her, they were claiming a result. Needless to say that after the compression garment was removed, her arm size slowly went back to the original size, plus 2 scars to boot. I spoke with another lady (native Vietnamese) at the nearby hotel who was there getting a procedure (I think her nose). She previously had the lipo at Gangwhoo, in all honesty you wouldn't know she ever had any fat removed, plus she revealed she paid a lot less and upon hearing what my wife paid said we were definitely ripped off and should go to the local authorities. A local there who became involved wanted to assist us in that route, but I didn't want the hassle. The female doctor that interviews you prior to your agreed procedures will show you her ultra skinny arms with near invisible scars. She is a very skinny woman anyway so I wouldn't read too much into that sales pitch. There is a good chance your English interpreter will be a guy called Ku (pronounced Q). If so, be prepared for some magic solutions to all your problems, and some very heavy sales pitching in attempts to upsell you, but unfortunately the magic disappears the moment you part with your money. I hope you have all the procedures you are looking at clarified before going, keep those texts. When you agree with the procedure, please make sure they write it down on your procedures record, because if they don't, what you think you're getting may not be the reality. For me, I knew exactly the areas I wanted for the face and neck lift, but before the surgery the doctor informed me I'd get a better result if I also got another area done as well. I said I was getting that area done, so they sent Ku up to explain to me that they referenced a different numbering system which didn't align with what I was told, and that worked out to an extra 1600 I think. Imagine if I had the procedure and discovered afterwards it had been omitted - scary. Also we agreed upon 2 laser sessions, but they didn't write it down so they didn't honour it, even though the audio recording clearly mentioned that. They will record the consult, so maybe repeat what you are agreeing to also. Also with the neck lift, I am personally disappointed. I am 10 months post op and my neckline angles down again, although the skin they cut away did remove the loose skin I had there so not all bad. Finally, as I already said, be prepared for the sales pitch and try and leave that consult with procedures that only you are comfortable and happy to proceed with. All the best.
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